Jon Crispin's Notebook

2015 Smith College Bulb Show

Posted in bulb shows, flower shows, Flowers, greenhouses, Plants by joncrispin on 16/03/2015

The annual Smith College Spring Bulb Show always runs early in March, and Cris and I were able to go this morning.

It is always amazing.

After the winter we have had here in the Northeast, walking into a greenhouse and seeing these flowers is beyond description.

There are always tons of tulips.

As well as tiny little guys like these ↑.

Some of the tulips have these erose edges.  So delicate.

I love how these little flowers are lined up in a row.

That’s a pretty tulip ↑.

Though I always gravitate more toward the greens and yellows.

And there are usually a few that are showing off the business parts of the flower.  To me, it feels a bit like I’m seeing something that should be private.

I’ll close out with a couple of tulips.

Thinking of Hank, as I know he has a Smith College connection.  Hi Hank, wish you were here.

6 Responses

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  1. Patty said, on 16/03/2015 at 1:04 pm

    I bet it smelled amazing in there! Beautiful photos, Jon, as usual.

    • joncrispin said, on 16/03/2015 at 1:32 pm

      Patty, I forgot to mention the smell. It wasn’t overpowering, but it was perfect. Thanks for mentioning it.

  2. Hank. said, on 16/03/2015 at 2:23 pm

    Boy, oh boy, Hank certainly does wish he were there. Thanks so much for this post! Those Smith greenhouses are magic – so glad you both could enjoy the show. It was always a welcome arrival after those long winters. We’re feeling spoiled here with a very mild winter and roses already budding…Hank is sniffing some plant-y private bits as we speak! Typical.

  3. marketing4introverts said, on 16/03/2015 at 8:24 pm

    Until you mentioned the greenhouse, I wondered how you were seeing all those bulb flowers so early! dhyan

  4. Laura said, on 17/03/2015 at 7:22 am

    Thanks for this gorgeous post – you have no idea how badly I needed it, as I head into yet another chilly, cement-colored Northeast day. (At least today’s precipitation is drizzle, not snow!)

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