Jon Crispin's Notebook

Willard Suitcases / December 2013


I have been editing and uploading the suitcases in the order in which they were shot.  This process is quite drawn out as I shot well over 30,000 images during the project and it is an enormous task.  I have been feeling really good about it though, as I am spending most days until 1 PM working on the files.  The photos in this post are all from a shoot on the 11th of December 2013.  At this point, Peg and I had worked through many of the suitcases that were full, and in this stretch the cases were largely empty except for labels.

Willard Suitcases
©2012 Jon Crispin

Mary’s labels are quite evocative.  The small one on the left is unfortunately torn, so we can’t see her date of admittance, but the larger one on the right tells us that she came from Syracuse.  Dr Elliott’s name shows up often in our work, and I must assume that Elliott Hall at Willard is named after him.  (I can’t remember if I have ever linked to this before, but Dr. Robert E. Doran wrote a history of Willard in 1978 that is really interesting. Here is the link.)

Willard Suitcases
©2012 Jon Crispin

There are so many small details that grabbed my attention when I was shooting.  This is all that was left of Mabel Y’s label.

Willard Suitcases
©2012 Jon Crispin

Norah’s label tells us quite a lot.  Her Willard number, her date of admission, from where she came and into which building she went.  Peggy and I often had a laugh over the description of the suitcases; “leather-like” was used constantly.  And occasionally “cardboard-like” appeared.  When you think of it, cardboard-like is probably…..cardboard!

Willard Suitcases
©2012 Jon Crispin

Ida came to Willard on 16 November 1929.  The string on the label is pretty and the Syracuse Post-Standard is from June of 1929.

Willard Suitcases
©2012 Jon Crispin

Charles and his small leather grip arrived from the Binghamton State Hospital.

Willard Suitcases
©2012 Jon Crispin

Richard’s case was clearly a traveling salesman’s and was completely empty.

Willard Suitcases
©2012 Jon Crispin

Here is a detail.  The Zanol Company was based in Cincinnati.

Willard Suitcases
©2012 Jon Crispin

Finally for today, Alice R’s case had this nice thermometer, a clasp for holding up a stocking, and a card from a Christmas present.

Please go to the Willard Suitcases site to see more photographs of these particular cases.  Click on “The Cases” and scroll down to the bottom to see the latest additions.  Thanks for following.

The Lucky Bar

Posted in Family, football, Jon Crispin, soccer, Sport, Uncategorized by joncrispin on 21/01/2017


Today is Peter’s birthday.  United were playing Stoke, so while Cris went to the Capitol for the march, he and I went to The Lucky Bar to watch the match.  I took this photo in added time, about a minute before Rooney equalized.  It was a great goal and the bar went wild.  So nice to watch football with him on his birthday.  Cris is on her way back to his flat, then out to dinner tonight.

Happy birthday, Laddie.

Olive at the Beach / Dolphins?!?


Today is Olive’s last day at the beach this year.  The weather is incredible and she has been so happy being in the water almost every day.


We bought her this green flying saucer type thing which really soars on a windy day.  She swims out to get it and then comes right back.

Except yesterday when Cris was playing with her.  Olive paddled out to the saucer and then started to swim out a bit farther into the ocean.  Cris couldn’t figure out what was going on, and then spotted dolphin fins. Olive must have sensed them as well.  It is hard to know what kind of interaction there would have been if she hadn’t come right back when called.  You would like to think that it would have ended in a nice “Flipper-like” scenario with lots of cavorting and intra-mammal bonding, but you never know.

Thanks to Bob and Kath for having us in the house again this year, and it is so great that they have been here for the latter part of our stay.  Heading back North tomorrow.

Willard Suitcases / Julianne Wick Davis

Posted in Music, Uncategorized, Willard Asylum, Willard Suitcases by joncrispin on 07/01/2017


I flew up to New York City on Wednesday to sit in on an early rehearsal of a song cycle that Julianne Wick Davis is composing.  She came across the suitcases project a couple of years ago and asked permission to use my photographs as inspiration.  She hopes to end up with 20 songs, and had nine ready for the run through.  This was the first time she had heard them with voices other than her own.


Julianne put together an amazing group of six actors and four musicians to perform the songs in a rehearsal room at NYU.


Here she is working with Xander Rovang who was musical director for the day.

I was so pleased to be included, and came away feeling super excited about collaborating with her.  It is always a bit humbling to inspire creativity in others.  I am very excited about where this will end up.

Willard Suitcases / Stuart B / Oscar Wilde

Willard Suitcases 2013 Jon Crispin

I am getting a lot of editing done lately, and am feeling great about the images.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

Stuart’s (maybe Stuert, it appears both ways) case was full of interesting toiletries.  Several of the residents had Dr. Lyon’s Tooth Powder.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

I have always wanted to avoid “fetishizing” the objects that came to Willard with the patients, but the design of the items in Stuert’s case really grabbed me.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

The attention to detail in commercial design during the time of these products is impressive.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

This Ever-Ready shaving brush had quite a bit of use.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

I love the typeface (or is it font?) on the Mennen talcum powder.  One wonders about the “neutral” tint, and on just how many faces it wouldn’t show.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

The above image is one of my favorites from the project.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

The Mennen Company is still in business, and are mostly known for their deodorants.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

Lander Perfumer; New York, Memphis, Montreal, and……Binghamton!

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

I am glad I (or Peg) thought to photograph the back of the “Locktite Humidizer”.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

It keeps your tobacco fresh, and they are definitely out of business.

Willard Suitcases ©2013 Jon Crispin

Thanks for following.  I have been uploading a ton of new cases on the Willard Suitcases site.  Go check it out, and don’t forget to click on the “view all” link at the bottom of each page.  25 is the default number and in many instances, there are more than that number in the gallery.

I was listening to “With Great Pleasure” on Radio 4 today while I was editing these photographs and heard this Oscar Wilde quote from “De Profundus”.  “Where there is sorrow, there is holy ground”.  I think he was right on the money.

Olive at the Beach

Posted in Animals, Beaches, Dogs, Labrador Retrievers, Labradors, Uncategorized by joncrispin on 02/01/2017


Due to the great generosity of my brother and sister in law, we are back at the beach for a bit.  Olive is thrilled.

Happy New Year to you all.