Jon Crispin's Notebook


Posted in Art, Friends, History, Willard Suitcases by joncrispin on 30/04/2012

I am pretty close to mailing the first of the Kickstarter rewards.  So for those of you who backed the project at the $10.00 level, watch your mailbox.  These are the first prints I have made of this work, and I am thrilled to finally see them on paper.  Each print is signed and so the process is a bit slow; tonight I will start addressing the envelopes.  You might notice the beautiful Yard-O-Led pencil in the bottom of the photo.  It was a gift from my great friend John Wilson and it is the perfect writing instrument for signing the prints.  It makes me so happy to be using it.

Pia and Flying Angel Seafarers Club

Posted in Buildings, Cities, Friends, History, People, Ships, Travel by joncrispin on 16/04/2012

I spent a fantastic couple of hours with Pia Massie walking around the completely non-touristy parts of Vancouver.  We started in Gastown and went to the area that is mostly inhabited by addicts and street people.  She really knows her way around and it was fascinating.  Her latest work is a documentary about Canadians of Japanese descent who were forcibly moved from the area just after Pearl Harbor.   Everything was taken from them and they and have never returned as a community.  There are still remnants of their lives if you know where to look, as in the name underneath a doormat at the entrance to this building.

We ended up at the Flying Angel Seafarers Club, which is as close as one can get to the port without encountering pretty heavy security.  Unless you knew it was here, you might never find it.  An amazingly beautiful building and since there was a sign on the front that said open, we went in.  A volunteer named Frank gave us the grand tour and we learned a ton.  Here is a link.  I was especially taken by this book which is in a glass case at the front of the building.

Here is a description of its purpose.

Very touching. /  We fly home tomorrow.  Thanks Pia for the tour.  It was great fun.

Stanley Park

Posted in Bridges, Landscape, Nature, People, Travel, Water by joncrispin on 16/04/2012

It is grey and cool here today but the past three days have been sunny and pleasant.  I’m just as happy with the grey as with the sun.  Yesterday we walked around the perimeter of Stanley Park.  The water in English Bay was clear and calm and loads of people were out enjoying the day.

Vancouver reminds me of San Francisco with all the water and bridges. / This morning I am going to meet up with Pia Massie whom I met through Kickstarter.  Check out her project here.  It is really interesting.  She lives here and will give me a quick tour of the waterfront.


Posted in Animals, Cities, Flowers, Nature, Travel, Trees, Weather by joncrispin on 15/04/2012

Cris and I are in Vancouver.  She is here for the AERA conference and I am just tagging along.  This is a most remarkable city.  I am happy that there are lots of crows about.  They seem to have displaced the usual pigeons that often dominate cities.  There is water everywhere and lots of seagulls but it is the crows that are the most fun to watch. /  The weather has been lovely; lots of sun and in the mid to upper 50s which is perfect for walking in Stanely Park.

I was in London a month ago and the magnolia trees were just starting to bloom.  Now they are at the same stage here in Vancouver.  Everything is popping out.  Flowers are everywhere in the city and I am overwhelmed with how beautiful this place is.


Posted in Architecture, Buildings, Landscape, Travel by joncrispin on 07/04/2012

I saw an amazing moonrise as I was driving home from the Museum last night.  Huge and orange; more like a harvest moon.     I have always wanted to get a night-time picture of the Gulf station at the Lee travel plaza so here it is.  You can see the moon just to the left of the flag, but it looks so tiny!  Much more dramatic in “real life”.

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